
Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Advanced-Bash-Scripting HOWTO

need to protect your linux box. Better read this.

implementing, managing & troubleshooting

Highly recommended. The best system admin text for unix admins

If you need security with your unix.

Covers latest in RPM installations, X windows and harware configurations

secret decoder ring - explains Linux in Windows terms. Highly recommended. If your network is NT based, you will need to learn linux because the best hacker tools run only there.

One of the best unix howto books for admins. Waingrow, the author, runs the UNIX Guru Universe on the Internet.

very good quick reference to keep on desktop when working with linux

indepth tutorials on using linux server as an ethernet router, a frame-relay router, an internet router, or an extranet router.

BIG general reference.

get up and running quickly. advice on implementing and administering Samba. How to use Samba with Windows clients.

For online Samba resources, see

covers installing, troubleshooting, samba, connecting to Internet, creating NFS, NIS, DNS and email servers, backups, building a firewall, security of server

tools: arp, ifconfig, netstat, ping, tcpdump, traceroute, arpwatch, etheral, fping, nmap, xtraceroute, snmpdelta, snmpget, snmpgetnext, snmpnetstat, snmpset, snmpstatus, snmptable, snmptest, snmptranslate, snmptrap, snmptrapd, snmpwalk, snmapbulkwalk, tkmib, ntop, tkined

Focuses on tools to do the job.

PAM, OPIE, syslog, sudo, xinetd, SSH, Crack, tiger, Tripwire, TCFS, and ipchains.