Military History
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300+ photos by Life photographers
Traces military operations. To understand WWII, read this.
When Ensign Tracy Sugarman packed his seabag and prepared to ship overseas in early 1944, his wife handed him a package containing sketch pads, pens, and a set of watercolors. Fifty years later, she reminded him of the upcoming 50th anniversary of D-Day, which in turn reminded him of the letters, drawings, and watercolors he had sent home. To his astonishment, June Sugarman took him down to the cellar and showed him several brown paper parcels which, when opened, revealed some 400 letters and 77 drawings and watercolors from his corner of World War II.
traces lives of the six guys who raised the flag over Iwo Jima.
October 1918 in WWI, a 600 man battalion of the US Army were cut off in the Argonne by the German army. This is the story of the 6 days until they were releaved. There were 194 survivors.
collects the letters of an upstate New York farmer's daughter who in 1862 disguised herself as a man to enlist in the Union army.
just to remember, glory too often translates into blood. In this case, the 26th suffered 85% casulties.
military justice and Lincoln's take on it
by Michael Fellman who is NOT a romantic historian - recommend his other texts including and
200+ letters wrtten to/from Colton family members giving a glimpse of life during the civil war
in almost every century, the uses of surprise and manoeuvres have largely been ignored by most military leaders except the competent ones.
Focuses on marches of Epaminondas, Sherman, and Patton