Rade Serbedzija Movie Recommendations

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Rade Serbedzija plays Russians, Bosians, Macedonians, Greeks, ...Balkans His movies tend to give you perspective on ethnic violence. Listing ordered roughly by how I rate the movies.

look at several intertwining lives in the strife-torn Republic of Macedonia where rural poverty and violent rage are prevalent. Rade stars as a prize winning photographer who goes home Macedonia. Gritty. Unforgettable. A must see.

One of the best films I have ever seen. John Turturro plays the part of Primo Levi. Rade Serbedzija plays the savvy Greek refugee.

Truly funny.

Rade Serbedzija stars as a Bosnian dad refugee who bullies his family in New Zealand. You can imagine his reaction when his daughter gets pregnant by a native New Zealander.

Explores the effect of the Holocost on current generations. Rade plays a Czech/Jewish ex- dissident writer in Prague in love.

I can't recommend this dog. In the list for completeness.

Dinner party during a revolution. Michael Gambon is magnificent. Perhaps one of the saddest cruelest stories I have ever seen. Extremely well acted. Highly recommended. Its the story of obsessive love. Gambon had to have the girl at any price. It destroyed her life, the life of her boyfriend, and his life. Rade has a bit part in this one.

dark comedy about a small Balkan community that's a hotbed of assassination plots, sexual freedom, and repressive ideas.