John Waters Movie Recommendations

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Let me know if you liked or hated a movie I recommended. - . Waters's films are quirky, very funny, odd, crude, trashy and sometimes way too crude. For me, most of Water's movies shirted the edge of humor by being too crude. For others it may be way over the edge, particularly the early films with cult figure Divine. The 90's films are much more mainstream.

spoofs independent filmmaking at its most absurd fringe with this affectionate portrait of a guerrilla filmmaking collective that declares war on Hollywood drivel.

teenage photographer in Baltimore with lots of odd characters thrown-in. Funny. Quirky.

a woman so obsessed with suburban perfection that she kills a neighbor for not separating her recyclables. this one was too much for my tastes.

Baltimore girl (Amy Locane) who can't decide if she should remain "good" in her 1954 world or hang out with the motorcycle boys

enjoyably trashy comedy about the racial integration of a teen dance show on Baltimore television in the early '60s.

transvestite Divine, plays Francine Fishpaw, a dissatisfied suburban housefrau who longs for a little romance in her life because her husband and children drive her crazy. Salvation arrives in the form of Tod Tomorrow (Tab Hunter), a drive-in owner who sweeps Francine off her feet (a mean task, given Divine's girth).

John Waters's Desperate Living takes on the air of a seedy, trash fairy tale as the humiliated residents of Mortville rise up against the queen and the cursed princess finds herself in a power struggle against her mother.

mutant tribute to good-girl-gone-bad drive-in melodramas where the girl is cross-dressing cult icon Divine

staring cross-dressing cult icon Divine. This movie made John Waters famous, and for a time, made bad taste cool. Extremely crude and extremely funny.

circus freaks, transvestites staring cross-dressing cult icon Divine