Admin Tip #139: BSOD STOP 0xa 0x1e 0x50 0x7F

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

When you read the newsgroups, you will see common questions/answers on Blue Screen of Death error messages ( BSOD ). The common stop messages are:

With STOP 0x7F, 0xa or 0x1e I would substitute known good memory, check that all cards are inserted well and that all connections are firm. With STOP 0x1e or 0x50 uninstall the antivirus software and disable any new services to troubleshoot the problem.

STOP 0x7F can be software but it is almost always a corrupt motherboard or RAM.

Consider Blue Screen Administration for Windows NT and 2000
offers you the chance to administer your Windows NT and Windows 2000 after a Blue Screen and fix boot errors or save data from defunct volumes. You can boot NT/2000 from disk and so gain access to systems whose passwords have been forgotten.

If the BSOD is a kernel error, the KERNEL_STACK_INPAGE_ERROR, this BSOD takes place when the kernel requests a page of data from the swap file, but the page cannot be read into memory. This error returns four parms. The first two parms are useful in determining what the problem is:

parm 1 normally has values 0-2

And surprise, surprise, this is usually caused by a defective RAM module.

If parm 1 is greater than 2, parm 2's value means:

Just open the box and reset the card and cabling. Most likely something has vibrated loose. Try this even for 9C and 16A. If this is a new box, these errors may indicate a defective motherboard.

Some useful STOP error Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP related links :

Its the 11th Edition. Need I say more.