Admin Tip #286: Use NET HELPMSG error# or resource kit utility TRANSLATE error# to convert error numbers to error message text |
Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3
Translates a Win32 error code into an error string. NET HELPMSG code TRANSLATE code code Message code to translate. Examples: translate 112 -or- net helpmsg 112 Displays 'There is not enough room on the disk' message. Translate 5 -or- net helpmsg 5 Displays 'Access is denied.' message.
The error text should be helpful. Unless a light flicks on, the next step is to search the Microsoft kb for more information.
I have used net helpmsg and translate for years and never added their use to these tips. It was assumed background information. But when I started seeing questions in the Windows NT newsgroups revealing a lack of knowledge of their existence, I added this tip. I will review my own practices and if I have other "universal" information that I haven't imparted, I will add them to these tips as time permits. -Wayne
Must have for NT administrators