Admin Tip #128: NetIQ's NT to W2K Migration Tools

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

I don't know how complex your existing Windows NT environment is, how much money$$$ your organization will spend on tools, but it has become apparent to me that the barriers to moving to Windows 2000 Active Directory are high and the number of knowledgeable people is low. One needs help. Migration from NT or NDS to AD is complex. Check out NetIQ's white papers on their migration suite. Start with their whitepaper which gives an overview of the NetIQ Migration Suite. See NetIQs product whitepapers page for details on the Migration Suite but in summary the migration suite includes :

Most all the samples in the book are shown using VBScript, in addition to VB and C++. Chapter 10, "Active Directory Administration using Windows Script" has many examples of administration tasks. It also provides information on how to use WSH to automatically load the ActiveDS type library, and thus avoid having to do a bunch of CONST statements in VBScript.