Admin Tip #133: WFAZAM 2000 - Comprehensive Group Policy Management

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

FullArmour has a critical product for Active Directory. In enterprise environments, AD group policy can get very complex. Fazam adds version control and change control for GPOs. Highly recommended. From the FullArmour site :

FAZAM 2000 Version 3 provides complete Life-Cycle Management for Group Policy. It builds on Microsoft's native Windows 2000/XP infrastructure to provide the most comprehensive Group Policy management solution on the market.

FAZAM 2000 Version 3.0 includes Change and Release Management, a critical best practice for implementing Group Policy. Administrators can track the history of Group Policy Object (GPO) changes, including who made the changes, from initial design to retirement.

Version 3 New Benefits

Version 3 New Features

Additional Features