Admin Tip #22: Upgrade Windows 2000 installation to 128-bit encryption

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

The Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack is eligible for export from the U.S. to all customers worldwide, except to US embargoed destinations. To install Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack, you must be running one of the following Windows 2000 products on your computer:

The encryption pack can be downloaded from Microsoft Encpack_Win2000Admin. Run the downloaded file. From the Microsoft Windows 2000 High Encryption (128-bit) Capability dialog box and click Yes. To check for a successful installation, after rebooting, use Explorer and navigate to %systemroot%\system32 and right click on schannnel.dll, select Properties. Select the Version tab and verify that it is the domestic version (ie US/Canada).