Admin Tip #37 : Sysvol vs Netlogon domain controller shares

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

The SYSVOL share contains W2K software distribution files, scripts, and ADM templates as well as the Group Policy Template. An NT administrator would consider Sysvol to be W2K's version of NETLOGON. Replication in W2K is handled by the File Replication Service to keep the SYSVOL share synched between W2K domain controllers. In fact, W2K creates the NETLOGON share for down-level clients, Win9x and Windows NT, under the SYSVOL structure.

SYSVOL is shared under %systemroot%\Sysvol\sysvol and NETLOGON is shared under %systemroot%\Sysvol\sysvol\domain\Scripts.