Admin Tip #56: Windows 2000 Domain Controller Operations Master Roles

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

W2K AD domain controllers split up the master operations roles. This is usually transparent to most administrators. Active Directory will manage which domain controller ( DC ) has which master operations role. The key is normally. There are five master controller roles. By default, they are on the first domain controller in the domain. For performance issues, you probably want to split the roles apart. Microsoft recommends in kb article Q223346 and my own study confirms:

Microsoft recommends placing the schema master and domain naming master on same server. From a performance perspective it makes some sense but not from a security perspective. I would place the schema master role on a dedicated DC and I would keep it shutdown except when schema changes need to be made. [Its difficult to attack a server that is offline.]

Microsoft releases sample utilities from the Windows 2000 Resource kits. Dumpfsmos.cmd: Dump FSMO Roles is available for free download. This command-line tool dumps the Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) roles for a domain. Using DumpFsmos, you can find the names of the domain controllers that are performing forest-wide operations master roles, including schema master and domain naming master, and domain-wide operations master roles, including RID master, primary domain controller emulator, and infrastucture master.

Probably the easiest method is to use the W2K version of netdom:

netdom query fsmo

You will get a list like:

Schema owner      
Domain role owner 
PDC role          
RID pool manager  
Infrastructure owner
The command completed successfully.

You can also find which DCs hold which FSMO role holders using the ntdsutil

C:\> ntdsutil
ntdsutil: domain management
domain management: connections
server connections: connect to server oneofyourDCs
Binding to oneofyourDCs ... 
Connected to oneofyourDCs using credentials of locally logged on user
server connections: quit
domain management: select operation target
select operation target: list roles for connected server
info for your domain listing the fsmo role holders
select operation target: quit
domain management: quit
ntdsutil: quit
Disconnecting from oneofyourDCs ...

Another alternative is to use the dcdiag utility:

dcdiag /test:Knowsofroleholders /v

Another alternative to find the RID, PDC, and Infrastructure FSMO Holders is to use dsa.msc:

The FSMO roles: