Admin Tip #69: Create Windows 2000 Server Setup Disks

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

You can install Windows 2000 with just the installation CD if your PC supports bootable CDs. If you need the floppy setup disks:

To test the setup disks, place the W2K Server Setup Disk #1 into the floppy and the installation CD into the CD-ROM and reboot the PC. The setup program will prompt you to insert each floppy as the loading process continues. Respond to the prompts. When the I Accept The Agreement screen appears, W2K has loaded all the info it has from the floppies and is starting the examination of free space on your HD. If you get there, your installation floppies are OK. Remove them and reboot.

You can use essentially the same process to create W2K Pro setup disks.

well written. it is essential. or at least very valuable.