Admin Tip #88: NetWare to Windows 2000 Server Migration & Interoperability

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Microsoft has published a technet comprehensive whitepaper outline on Netware to Windows 2000 migration. The whitepaper provides a guide for those planning to migrate all or part of their NetWare environment to the Windows 2000 Server operating system. A description of the NetWare migration and interoperability tools provided by Microsoft is included, as well as a step by step planning guide to how the tools can be used to migrate NetWare files, directories, and file and print services to Windows 2000 Server and the Active Directory™ service.

NetWare to Windows 2000 Server Migration Planning Guide

You will want to read about the File Migration Utility which is an add-on utility included in Services for NetWare 5 that provides a central management console to automatically manage the migration of files from NetWare file and print servers to Windows 2000 Servers. The utility will maintain security settings from the Netware server to the Windows 2000 server by preserving the permissions and ACLs associated with each file.

-->Microsoft Directory Synchronization Services MSDSS --> can be used to establish synchronization between the Windows and Novell directories or to migrate directory objects from NDS or Bindery to Active Directory.

Another alternative in a mixed environment is File and Print Services for Netware which allows a Windows 2000 server to emulate a Netware 3.12 server.