Registry Tip #15: Registry Size Limit |
Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3
OS version |
Max Paged Pool Size |
25% Paged Pool Size |
80% Paged Pool Size |
Windows 2000 |
Windows NT4 |
Windows NT4 Terminal Server |
Windows NT3.5 |
Windows NT3.1 |
Except for certain very large enterprise domain controllers, this key does not need to be changed. The registry setting for Windows NT / Windows 2000:
Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control
Name: RegistrySizeLimit
Value: 0 25% of paged pool size (default)
Value: 4-0xFFFFFFFE Number of megabytes allocated
Value: 0xFFFFFFFF 80% of paged pool size