Registry Tip #35: BIOS Data in the Registry

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Ever wondered how SMS and other query tools can pull BIOS information from remote boxes? Many of these tools simply read the registry. BIOS data appears in the following registy key in Windows 2000 and Windows NT:

Name: SystemBiosDate
Type: REG_SZ
Name: SystemBiosVersion
Type: REG_SZ
Name: VideoBiosDate
Type: REG_SZ
Name: VideoBiosVersion
Type: REG_SZ

Milage may vary depending on your system but the system BIOS and video BIOS settings are generally found.

Keywords: Windows 2000 Registry Tip, Windows NT Registry tip, bios, hardware, description, hklm, hkey_local_machine, SystemBiosDate, SystemBiosVersion, VideoBiosDate, VideoBiosVersion