User Tip #17: Windows 2000 mailto: email shortcut

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

The more I use Windows NT Professional, the more I like it. If you want to dash off a quick email, don't bother with minimizing all the junk on the screen. Just click Start/Run and type mailto: in the Open: box. If you are using Outlook, POW!, the untitled message dialog box pops up.

Actually this tip is really to make you aware of the enhanced associations built into Windows 2000. Experiment with the Open: dialog box. Type in and Windows 2000 not only will bring up the site in your browser, as soon as it detects that you are entering a web address, it presents your history list for your selection.

The associations built into Windows NT are also there. Type in waynesmemo.doc and word will start with that document selected.

One of the best written I have seen with details which as a techie I like. It does cover server and workstation.

Keywords: Windows 2000 User Tip, w2k tip, windows 2000, email, shortcut, mailto:, quick, start, run