User Tip #3: Dual Booting Windows 2000

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Multi-Booting Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 95/98, and MS-DOS

Dual-Booting Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 on NTFS Partitions

Preparing For Dual Boot with Windows 2000 Professional

From Windows 2000, you can select which OS will be default by edititing the boot.ini (as in NT4) or by right clicking and selecting
My Computer
Startup and Recovery
Set Default operating System

There are commercial multiboot products. Consider Terabyte's BootItâ„¢:

explicit advice on how to get various combinations of systems to coexist

Keywords: w2k tip, windows 2000, nt, win95, win98, multi-booting, dual booting, ntfs, select default,, dualboot, multiboot, xp, w2k, windows 2000, windows xp, windows nt