User Tip #34: Taskbar Toolbars

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Win9x allows you to add toolbars to the Taskbar. If you are a Win9x or ME user, you are familiar with how this works. For the NT guys and gals, to add or remove a toolbar:

Experiment. Turn them on and off to see which of the built-ins you want. To use the Address bar on the taskbar, double click it.

You can control Taskbar appearance by right-clicking the Taskbar and selecting Properties. Got your taskbar the way you want it? Select Lock the taskbar.

You can chose to keep the taskbar on top of all windows or you can chose to have it Autohide itself. Autohide will make the taskbar slowly slides away or snap away depending on your desktop property Show Windows Contents While Dragging . To control:

You can create Custom Toolbars. Rather than selecting a built-in toolbar, select New Toolbar ... and experiment.

well written for beginning user of W2K Pro

Keywords: windows 2000 tip, w2k, taskbar, toolbar, toolbars, autohide, lock, address, links, desktop, quick launch, drap and drop, new toolbar