User Tip #37: Control Windows 2000 / XP Transition Effects for Menus and Windows

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Windows 2000 and Windows XP have thrown on lots of transition effects in its menus and windows. If you have a really good video card, no problem. In fact its really neat. But for a long time, my home PC sucked! If you want to get maximum performance without the flash, or if you want to control :

For Windows 2000 :

For Windows XP :

then experiment by checking and unchecking various effects. Uncheck all for the best video performance.

The Teach Yourself XXX VISUALLY is a good series. If you want a fast introduction and are not interested in techie tricks.

excellent resource for the beginner

Keywords: windows 2000 tip, w2k, windows xp, transition effects, video performance, start, settings, control panel, display, menus, windows, control