User Tip #39: DOS Window Titles |
Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3
Title telnet unixbox1 for command-shell #1
Title ftp unixbox1 for command-shell #2
Title scripts domainX for command-shell #3
Now the DOS windows will have your titles and they will show on the taskbar also.
Windows scripting host is a different animal entirely to batchfile-like scripts. Much more powerful. Native scripting language for NT2000 but available for NT4. Start studying now. Includes builtin support for vbscript & jscript with addins available for perl and other scripting languages. Extraordinary powerful and subsequently it can be very complex.
Keywords: windows 2000 tip, w2k, xp, windows nt, dos windows, title, titles, dos window title, command-shell, command prompt