Registry Tip #13: Windows NT Domain Browser Service Parameters

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

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Windows NT assigns browser tasks to specific computers on the network. The computers work together to provide a centralized list of shared resources, eliminating the need for all machines to maintain their own lists. This reduces the CPU time and network traffic needed to build and maintain the list. The Windows NT Browser system consists of a master browser, backup browsers, and browser clients. The computer that is the master browser maintains the browse list and periodically sends copies to the backup browsers. When a browser client needs information, it obtains the current browse list by remotely sending a NetServerEnum application programming interface ( API ) call to either the master browser or a backup browser.

When Windows NT Workstation or Windows NT Server starts, the Browser service looks in the registry for the parameter MaintainServerList to determine whether it will become a browser. The value is found:

Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Browser\Parameters\
Name: MaintainServerList
Type: REG_SZ
Value: No - computer can not host a browser server. Preferred setting for heavily used servers and most NT workstations. If you set it to NO, you need to disable the Browser service or you will get a error because the service can not start. The service is only used to maintain a browse list, it has nothing to do with whether you can browse the network.

Value: Yes - computer will server as a browser server. Upon startup, this computer attempts to contact the master browser to get a current browse list. If the master browser cannot be found, the computer will force a browser election. This computer will either be elected master browser or become a backup browser. Yes is the default value for Windows NT Server. You usually have BDCs set to this value.

Value: Auto - computer, referred to as a potential browser, may or may not become a browser, depending on the number of currently active browsers. The master browser notifies this computer whether or not it will become a backup browser . Auto is the default value for computers running Windows NT Workstation. I believe No is a better setting for most networks.
I suggest that for Windows 95 and 98 machines, go to the Network control panel, select File andprinter sharing and Properties. Change Browse Master from Auto to Disabled.

The browser system roles are:

For background on Microsoft's Browser functionality, see MS Windows NT Browser.