Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3
Stores all Plug and Play information. Important in Win95. Not used in NT4.0 but it exists as seen in REGEDIT.EXE. NT 4.0 has limited support for Plug and Play. It is limited to support for PCI devices that automatically determine their own port settings such as IRQs and I/O port addresses. The only time NT will adjust the settings in the Registry is when there is a difference in the number or type of cards on the PCI bus. NT 4.0 will not override the settings of non-PCI hardware to bring it into compliance and ensure that the settings are not in conflict. NT 5.0 is supposed to implement these functions (assuming hardware will support it). HKEY_DYN_DATA is different from all other Registry handle keys because it does not actually get written to the hard drive. The Plug and Play information is gathered and configured at startup and is stored in RAM.