User Tip #171: Add active desktop without reinstalling IE5

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

OK you installed IE5 on your NT or win95 system that never had IE4. You decided to skip IE4. Then you discover that you don't get Windows Desktop Update (WDU), that it's not included in the IE5 update. The Windows Desktop Update include the following enhancements:

The standard recommendation is: Thats a lot of work. Before doing that, try the following tip:

Run the following command from the folder that contains IE5Setup.exe if you are running Windows NT:

IE5Setup.exe /C:"ie5wzd /e:IE4Shell_NTx86 /I:Y"

The required files will be downloaded and installed.

Run the following command from the folder that contains IE5Setup.exe if you are running Win95:

IE5Setup.exe /C:"ie5wzd /e:IE4Shell_WIN /I:Y"

This tip will work for IE6 also. Replace IE5 with IE6 in the above tip.

Don't try it on Windows 2000 / XP / Win98 / ME since WDU is an integrated component.

Related WDU tips:

Enable / Disable Active Desktop