User Tip #46: Save search to desktop for reuse

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

You are having an early senior moment. You use NT's Find to search your PC for that lost document. And you do it again, and again, and again. If you have such a situation, you can save that search as an icon on the desk. I have NT and my applications installed on the C: partition with partitions D: and E: reserved for data files. Many applications come with their documentation in word format (.doc extension). I have a search saved to my desktop that searches C: for all .doc files. This gives me an easy method to find application documentation such as the documentation files for the NT Resource Kit utilites. Another example is a stored search for all documents that start with proj12 for example. There are a lot of ways to use stored searches depending on the complexity of your job and/or personal life and how organized/disorganized you are.

You save a search by performing the search and then clicking on File, Save Search in the Find window. When you press Save Search, it creates an icon for the search on your desktop with label Files names @yoursearchstring.fnd. Double click on the icon on your desktop and your search will run again.