TCP, IP, ICMP, and UDP counters are not available in the Performance Monitor utility by default. You must install and start the SNMP.EXE service. To install the service, choose the Network icon in Control Panel, Add Software button, select SNMP Service. When you exit the Network settings dialog box, it asks you to shut down the system. This is not necessary. To enable the counters, at the command line, bring up SNMP services by issuing the command net start snmp.
You need a network management station but if you don't there are some freeware utilities available:
Philippe Simonet's getif allows you to query MIB variables made available on a network agents such as NT, Netware, Cisco, ... \
SNMPUTIL.EXE is a command line utility that allows the querying of MIB information from a network device. Supports GET/GETNEXT and WALK. With the SNMPUTIL program, you can access the SNMP OID and get the information you want from a command line.
Both utilities can be downloaded from