Registry Tip #9: Disable Low Disk Space Notification in Windows XP |
Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3
You are running out of disk space on [drive]. To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click here.
When XP free disk space reaches 80MB, the following alert displays for 30 seconds, every four hours, twice per session:
You are running very low on disk space on [drive]. To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click here.
When XP free disk reaches 50MB, you receive the following message for 30 seconds, every five minutes, until free space is above 50 MB:
You are running very low on disk space on [drive]. To free space on this drive by deleting old or unnecessary files, click here.
You can disable these alerts using the following Windows XP registry hack:
Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Name: NoLowDiskSpaceChecks
Value: 1 disables alerts
The Mastering series is quite good.
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Keywords: Windows XP registry tip, NoLowDiskSpaceChecks, disable, low, disk, space, notification, alert, task bar, free disk pace, session