Admin Tip #268: When was Windows NT started? |
Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3
net statistics workstation | more
net statistics server | more
The more filter is required since the time is displayed first and then a lot of other statistics which scroll the screen. This is equivalent to how long the box has been up unless the particular service has been stopped. If the times match for workstation and server service, you got it.
The NT Server Resource Kit utility, srvinfo will display total uptime as one of its options. When you run srvingo, the output will look something like this:
C:\>srvinfo Server Name: NTSERVER Security: Users NT Type: WinNT Server Version: 4.0, Build = 1381, CSD = Service Pack 4, RC 1.99 Domain: DOMAIN1 PDC: \\NTSERVER IP Address: CPU[0]: x86 Family 6 Model 3 Stepping 3 Hotfixes: [Q147222]: Drive: [FileSys] [Size] [Free] Services: [Stopped] Alerter
The command line switches for srvinfo are:
-ns: Do NOT show any service information. -d: Show service drivers and service. -v: Get version info for Exchange and SQL. -s: Show shares.
Mark Russinovich's freeware utility PSUpTime will display uptime also.