Admin Tip #10: Testing applications under XP with AppVerifier

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

The Application Verifier, AppVerifier, tool was developed by the Application Experience team at Microsoft to assist with testing applications running under XP for commonly encountered application compatibility issues as well as some very subtle kernel issues. The Application Verifier tool shipped with Windows XP and can be found in the /Support/Tools folder on the CD-ROM. To install AppVerifier on your Windows XP system:

AppVerifier can be found in the Application Compatibility Toolkit group on the Start menu.

This is not JUST a developers tools. Its an admins tool. Having a problem with an application? Want to learn what the application does? Run it while being monitored by AppVerifier then study the log generated. To monitor an application:

Check Application Compatibility Toolkit for updated information.