Windows XP includes powerful commandline admin utilities including logman to manage logs. You can use the Logman.exe tool to:
Remotely start and stop log file data collections from a central location by specifying the remote computer name.
Configure a data collection on one computer and then copy that configuration to multiple computers from a central location.
Query currently-running logs and traces.
E:\Documents and Settings\Wayne>logman /?
Microsoft r Logman.exe (5.1.2600.0)
c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Logman manages the "Performance Logs and Alerts" service for creating and
managing Event Trace Session logs and Performance logs.
logman VERB [options]
create Create a new collection.
start Start an existing collection and set the
begin time to manual.
stop Stop an existing collection and set the end
time to manual.
delete Delete an existing collection.
query [collection_name|providers] Query collection properties. If no
collection_name is given all collections are
listed. The keyword 'providers' will list all
of the registered Event Trace providers.
update Update an existing collection properties.
Name of the collection.
-? Displays context sensitive help.
-s Perform the command on specified remote
-config Settings file containing command options.
-b Begin the collection at specified time.
-e End the collection at specified time.
-m <[start] [stop]> Change to manual start or stop rather than a
scheduled begin or end time.
-[-]r Repeat the collection daily at the specified
begin and end times.
-o Path of the output log file or the DSN and
log set name in a SQL database.
-f Specifies the log format for the collection.
-[-]a Append to an existing log file.
-[-]v [nnnnnn|mmddhhmm] Attach file versioning information to the end
of the log name.
-[-]rc Run the command specified each time the log
is closed.
-[-]max Maximum log file size in MB or number of
records for SQL logs.
-[-]cnf [[[hh:]mm:]ss] Create a new file when the specified time has
elapsed or when the max size is exceeded.
-c Performance counters to collect.
-cf File listing performance counters to collect,
one per line.
-si <[[hh:]mm:]ss> Sample interval for performance counter
-ln Logger name for Event Trace Sessions.
-[-]rt Run the Event Trace Session in real-time
-p A single Event Trace provider to enable.
-pf File listing multiple Event Trace providers
to enable.
-[-]ul Run the Event Trace Session in user mode.
-bs Event Trace Session buffer size in kb.
-ft <[[hh:]mm:]ss> Event Trace Session flush timer.
-nb Number of Event Trace Session buffers.
-fd Flushes all the active buffers of an existing
Event Trace Session to disk.
-[-]u [user [password]] User to Run As. Entering a * for the password
produces a prompt for the password. The
password is not displayed when you type it at
the password prompt.
-rf <[[hh:]mm:]ss> Run the collection for specified period of
-y Answer yes to all questions without
-ets Send commands to Event Trace Sessions
directly without saving or scheduling.
-mode Event Trace Session logger mode.
Where [-] is listed, an extra - negates the option.
For example --r turns off the -r option.
logman create counter perf_log -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
logman create trace trace_log -nb 16 256 -bs 64 -o c:\logfile
logman start perf_log
logman update perf_log -si 10 -f csv -v mmddhhmm
logman update trace_log -p "Windows Kernel Trace" (disk,net)