Admin Tip #31: Relog creates new performance logs from data in existing performance logs by changing the sampling rate and/or converting the file format.
Windows XP includes powerful commandline admin utilities including relog.exe to create new performance logs from existing performance logs. You can use the Relog.exe tool to:
Convert a log from one type to another, such as a Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 log to a Windows XP log, or a binary log file (.blg) to a comma-separated values (.csv) file.
Resample a log file, and then create a new log file that is based on specified counters, a time period, or a sampling interval.
E:\Documents and Settings\Wayne>relog.exe /?
Microsoft r Relog.exe (5.1.2600.0)
c Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Relog creates new performance logs from data in existing performance logs by
changing the sampling rate and/or converting the file format. Supports all
performance log formats, including Windows NT 4.0 compressed logs.
relog.exe [options]
Performance file to relog.
-? Displays context sensitive help.
-a Append output to existing binary file.
-c Counters to filter from input log.
-cf File listing performance counters to filter
form the input log. Default is all counters
in the original log file.
-f Output file format.
-t Only write every nth record into the output
file. Default is to write every record.
-o Output file path or SQL database.
-b Begin time for the first record to write into
the output file.
-e End time for the last record to write into
the output file.
-config Settings file containing command options.
-q List performance counters in the input file.
-y Answer yes to all questions without
relog logfile.csv -c "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time" -o logfile.blg
relog logfile.blg -cf counters.txt -f blg
relog logfile.blg -f csv -o logfile.csv -t 2
relog logfile.blg -q -o counters.txt