Registry Tip #15: Prevent logon screensaver from launching

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

NT registry tip 77 gives the hack to activate the screen saver when no one is logged on. There is a security risk as I document in Admin Tip #262 to replace login.scr which can be used to hack into an NT / Windows 2000 / XP systems. The exposure requires physical access. The real control involves restricting physical access. But if you want to prevent the logon screensaver from launching, use the following NT / W2K /XP registry hack.

Key: .DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
Name: ScreenSaveActive
Type: REG_SZ
Value: 0 disabled

Keywords: Windows XP registry tip, screen saver, screensaver, security, risk, login.scr, hack. logon, windows nt, windows xp, windows 2000