Registry Tip #24: Enable Quick Edit Mode in Windows XP Command Shell

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

Quick edit mode allows one to use the mouse to select text, cut, copy and paste in command shell. This mode is not enabled by default. To control the mode globally, apply the following Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP registry hack.

Key: Console
Name: QuickEdit
Value: 1 enable quick edit
Value: 0 default - disable quick edit mode

To enable for the current command shell, right-click on the title bar, select properties, select the options tab and check the QuickEdit Mode box. Notice that this is also another method to set QuickEdit mode globally: select Save properities for future windows with same title.

To copy text into the clipboard, select text with the left mouse button and press Ctrl-C To paste text into the command box, right click the mouse. If at the commandline, the command process will try to execute the text.

Keywords: Windows XP registry tip, quick edit mode, hack, windows 2000, nt, registry, tip, trick, quick, edit, command, mouse, cut, paste, copy, mode, personalpreference, commandline, command shell