Registry Tip #25: Do not use the comprehensive search-based method when resolving shell shortcuts (.lnk)

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

By default, when Windows NT / Windows 2000 / Windows XP cannot find the target file for a shortcut (.lnk), it searches all paths associated with the shortcut. If the target file is located on an NTFS partition, the system then uses the target's file ID to find a path. If the resulting path is not correct, it conducts a comprehensive search of the target drive in an attempt to find the file. After this hack, the system does not conduct the final drive search. It just displays a message explaining that the file is not found. This can speed up things.

Key: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer
Name: NoResolveSearch
Value: 1 no search
Value: 0 search
Note: FAT partitions do not have ID tracking and the search capability.

Keywords: Windows XP registry tip, search, resolve, resolving, links, lnk, ntfs, NoResolveSearch, speedup, shell, shortcuts