Registry Tip #3: Query NT, W2K, or XP registry for applied hotfixes

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

If hotfixes have been applied to Windows NT, Windows 2000 or Windows XP, that is recorded in the registry. Check the following registry key to see what hotfixes have been applied. This is how utilities can query the OS about which hotfixes have been applied.

Key: SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Hotfix

There will be a subkey for each hotfix that has been applied. This registry tip applies to NT, W2K and XP.

Freeware utility Hotfix Control uses this info to keep track of what hotfixes are applied, and when they were applied. Site says its for Windows NT but as far as I can tell it works fine for W2K and XP also.

Microsoft' utility Network Security Hotfix Checker ( HFNetChk ) is a command-line tool that enables an administrator to check the patch status of Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, and Windows XP machines.

  • St Bernard's product UpdateEXPERT is a software patch vulnerability assessment tool that scans your networked systems for missing patches and remediates discovered weaknesses for increased protection. UpdateEXPERT features an extensive database (including service packs, hotfixes and other patches) that is maintained by St. Bernard Software's software patch experts.

    The Mastering series is quite good.

    Keywords: Windows XP registry tip, windows nt, windows 2000, hotfix, hotfixes, patches