User Tip #22: Use Sendto to edit files in XP/W2K

Hits: Failed to execute CGI : Win32 Error Code = 3

One of the niffty features in XP is the ability to copy files to the floppy or writeable CDROM using the sendto capability. I also need to be able to edit files using Explorer. Simply browse to the appropriate folder, right-click on the file I wish to edit, and select sendto Notepad. Actually I use UltraEdit, an extremely powerful editor. I also have a sendto option to open files with UltraEdit under Explorer. How do you add Notepad or other editor or program to the Sendto menu for Windows 2000 and Windows XP?

With associations, you can open any TXT file. Using SendTo facility of XP and W2K, you can chose which TXT files to open with Notepad, UltraEdit or other program.